Media Spotlight: Media Buyer/Planner, Jennifer Pupshis


Editor’s note: “Media Spotlight” is an ongoing series where we interview the wide range of professionals that make up our growing office. From the traditional media planners to our digital buyers, you’ll gain insight into the many levels that make up Media Works Ltd. This week we interview Media Buyer/Planner, Jennifer Pupshis.

How long have you been working in media/ advertising?

I have been in the media/advertising business for almost 14 years now.  My first job in the business, after college, was at this amazing Media Buying boutique called Media Works 🙂

Can you describe a day in your life at Media Works?

A day in the life at Media Works is never the same – that’s for sure.  Even though we all have our own assigned client lists we tend to work in teams helping each other out when needed.  You ‘d be hard pressed to come into a quiet Media Works where the phones aren’t going crazy or there isn’t at least 3 meetings going on at once.  The constant activity and team atmosphere are only a couple of reasons some of us have been here for so long.

What are some of the challenges of your position?

The challenges of being a media buyer or planner in today’s society are that the media landscape is more fragmented and changing every day.  A media plan isn’t a mix of radio, TV, and print anymore.  Along with the traditional vehicles we always have to be on top of and consider mobile, social and as well as all other advertising opportunities.

What’s your all-time favorite ad campaign? What made it special?

My favorite executed ad campaign (that I’ve worked on) over the years is probably the Baltimore Area Jiffy Lube Local Owner campaign.  Not only were we able to make the Jiffy Lube owners local celebrities but we were also able to tie in each owners local charity with the CBS Radio Friends and Neighbors van.  The fact that we were able to provide the Jiffy Lube owners a way to give back more to their communities is what made this campaign so special.

What advice would you offer to someone looking to get into the advertising industry?

If someone is looking to break into the advertising industry the best piece of advice I can offer is to start at the bottom and work your way up.  A better buyer/planner knows how to do their own invoicing, pre-log times, posting, etc.  There really is no better way to learn the business then from the ground up!  Your future assistants will thank you 🙂

What’s something that no one knows about you?

This is a tough question because I am such an open book!  However, one thing that people might not know about me is that I wanted to be a journalist – the next Barbara Walters.  It only took one elective advertising course in college to change my mind!

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